Mobility Matters: Paratransit Services
One in fifty Americans in paralyzed. In Steuben County, 20.8% (over 19,000) of the population is disabled and there is no on-demand para-ransit. Public transportation is minimal. There is also no grocery delivery in the area, described as "micropolitan."
This project would procure a paratransit taxi and make transportation, mobility and access available to the mobility-challenged and wheelchair users in this area. The link between poverty and disability is widely recognized, yet without transportation, there is no way the mobility-challenged can get to work, shop, or fully participate in the community. ParaTransit Services would remedy this inequity.
If funded the next steps would be:
Secure 501c3 status
Get an accountant
Get an attorney
Short term Lease of a Parataxi
Hire a Driver
Hire a part time dispatcher